Interest group dialogue gave Nordea tools for CSR work
Nordea challenged its interest groups to consider how it could operate in a more responsible manner than before.
Nordea challenged its interest groups to consider how it could operate in a more responsible manner than before. During two weeks, 4200 people took the challenge and produced 5400 ideas for improving operations.
Nordea believes that responsible business leads to lasting results. Nordea works actively for responsibility, and this work is guided by truly understanding the views of its interest groups.
In order to support its responsibility work, Nordea wanted to invite all interest groups together in a joint dialogue. Interest groups; e.g. personnel, customers, service providers, shareholders, analysts and NGOs expressed their thoughts on what Nordea should do or take into consideration in order to operate in a more responsible manner.
A virtual brainstorm was built together with Fountain Park. The possibility to participate was actively communicated on the websites of nine countries, as well as in the online bank, through tailored personal e-mails, social media and on the intranet through a video by the managing director.
More than 4000 participants from nine countries were soon reached for the virtual brainstorming. As a result, there were more than 20 themes that help Nordea operate with even more responsibility than before.
Fountain Park analysed what was essential in the material. The materiality analysis brought up what was essential in the opinion of the different interest groups and what was not.
The results provided Nordea with a solid foundation in terms of finding the essential issues for their responsibility work and reporting them. The results are utilised also in order to advance the wellbeing of personnel, development of products and services and to support communication and branding.
Further information: Jarkko Kuusinen